Sunday, August 29, 2010


Forgive and Forget.

Accept differences.



(I know this may not make sense to anybody who reads this)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


One day happiness.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Scolding

Today, from 12:30 to 2:00, we had this 'awesome' meeting in the Pusat Sumber. It was like a drama movie. Or episode, whatever. Anyway, here are the contents from my point of view. It began with Ms Ma thanking all of us for helping at carnivel. The cool thing is that the PPS earned RM4204 by selling burgers, drinks, and movie tickets. +fishball+popcorn+I might have forgotten something. Then the awful stuff begins. Aun Chian starts to scold. I am not saying that he was not right to scold us, but couldn't he have done it in a more... private way? I mean, I honestly couldn't take it if someone scolded me in front of who-knows-who about something very embarrassing that you seriously aren't gonna repeat again. That was the longest section of the meeting. The apology and scold section. I was glad when it was over. I am particularly happy that Yeoh Aun Chian did not call me an introvert even though I am. I consider that a compliment =). Gee, look at his, I was typing that and I suddenly realized this :     =.)    does that smiley look just a little like me???? xDDD

Anyway, we are going to have pizza to celebrate our high earnings~~~ All thanks to Aun Chian and his crazy promotional techniques, 'cause I sure didn't do very much now that I compare myself with others.

I am currently rushing through my science and hope I can finish the whole form 3 by Monday. Please wish me LUCK!!! (Good Luck, please)

Monday, August 9, 2010

Looking Up

It's like dawn after a storm. The sky is always pretty after a long, stormy night. When the sun comes out, it's like a miracle.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Like Walking on the Edge of a Cliff

Anytime you'll fall. Today I'm feeling very emo. I want to lock myself in a airtight box and throw away the key. Sometimes things happen, and once it starts, it never stops sliding down
you can see that

is at the end of it
But you can't make out 
what it is. Don't you feel
the fear? Do you want
to know? I have a feeling 
the out come is not 
good. But who knows?
In times like this, there 
has always been hope
that we grasped at the 
very climax.
Did I ever tell you that unlike others, my favorite season is Autumn? Did I ever tell you why I prefer it to Winter? 

Thursday, August 5, 2010

I Received...

I've been living on a sea of blood,
of sweat and tears.
From it I received nothing but joy.
The joy in the sky, twas so bright,
That the source I forgot to see.
Lit' did I know, that as the sea gave,
It needed too back, 
A similar sacrifice, though in a smaller offering.

And yet this realization,
Seems like a hope that yet flickers,
Like a candle light will it soon die.

And I wanted to give, 
'tis true.
But I had no knowledge of how to.
For I had joy but no means of sharing,
Love, but no means of giving.
For such a small sacrifice was required of me,
A parasite will I be forever?

I don't know the right way to give and to receive,
A pleasurable experience in concrete,
But difficult to achieve in abstract.
And I can hear the echo of the roaring sea,
That is usually in a precarious harmony,
Rare have I seen such fury in it. 


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Musical Moron

The Title means this. I am NOT musical. It is just that when it comes to music, I am a MORON. When I look at those chords and notes that look like tadpoles and mosquito larvae, I feel sick. I feel like I did when mathematics was a headache inducing subject. That is why, I don't know piano, guitar or anything to do with music. But I LIKE music, don't get me wrong. I LIKE to LISTEN to music. I just don't like LOOKING at it, because it makes me feel ILL. There is something about those closely drawn lines and tiny dots and dashes and symbols that just BLOWS my mind. In a BAD way. I can't even sing. So that is the end about my title, moving on... (I sound like I did when I was in debate.)

When I got into drama, I didn't think that we would be doing a musical. I thought we would be ACTING, not DANCING and SINGING. Not that I can act very well, but my singing and dancing are way WORSE, like 10000000000000000000... times worse than my acting. So that's it about drama. Moving on...

Now we come to PMR. PMR, allow me to have the liberty to tell you, is only 63 days away, counting today. Have you studied? I have not. Not to my satisfaction, at any rate. I still don't know a thing, and I want to get straight As. HA! Like dreaming like that. I just wanna relief some stress, so I shall insult myself. HA! You think you're so smart you can score when you never study ah? In your dreams! When the results come back ah, you will celebrate the worst Christmas you ever celebrated in your life. Let me insult you subject by subject.

  1.  Mathematics: You think you're so good at it? Get 85 happy already? A mah? Well you idiot, if you don't get 95, you are useless! Buck up! do something to improve! there was once when you considered 90 bad, and now you think 85 is alright? Shame!
  2. Sejarah: There was a time when you was always getting 90. And now? 80 pun tak dapat! what are you trying to do?
  3. Geografi: Geografi so simple you also can't score 90???? Where have you brains gone, dude? Average only 80???? 
  4. KH: Your KH can NEVER score more then 78! always jumping from A to B. It's not good to be in such a precarious position! KH boring is it? Well if you wanna get straight As you better start to LOVE it!
  5. Science: Science you used to be able to not study and get 90! now, you study and get 85 only? What are you playing at? When teacher teaching you are asleep! Important to keep awake, tahu? When since did you become so stupid? 
  6. Malay: Malay get C! WALAU! If got a C for Malay, you tengok government give you scholarship or no? You better learn up the grammar and vocab FAST!
  7. Chinese: When I think of it, I want to vomit. Even writing essay also got problem! When writing essay usually should write very fast and smooth, but now? Now all what you do is write than pause, wrtie than pause. What ARE YOU PLAYING AT????
  8. English: You are the only thing that I have no complains about. If I don't get A for you, I won't get A for anything...