Tuesday, October 11, 2011

There are times when you just feel so down and out and times when you just want to lie down and wait for death. They are more or less one and the same. It happens to people of all age groups, regardless. But it usually happens to the older, more experienced, wiser people.... or so, they say. Sometimes, I feel like that too. Sometimes, like right now. Right now, feeling so tired, so down, so out, for no good reason at all. 

Why? Why?  Why?

I don't know... hormones, is that it? No, it's the world in general. I cannot take the reality anymore anymore anymore anymore anymore... Just want to lie down and give it up give it up give it up. But living is an instinct, how many people walk the earth, a body with no spirit and no soul, that smiles at you but behind those eyes lies nothing nothing. It's empty just empty nothing but lies.