Wednesday, May 25, 2011

When Time is a Limiting Factor...

and when time is a limited factor. I think they have more or less the same meaning... meaning there is not enough time at all to get everything I would like to get done DONE! This is the sad truth of my life, at the very least. Every year, time seems to become SHORTER AND SHORTER AND SHORTER... when I was in Form 1, I seemed to have all the time in the world... I was pretty energetic then... When I got to Form 2, well, I think I had quite a lot of time too. No tuition, no worries, no exam fear, I didn't even have to study that hard... Yes, free as a lark in those years. I feel like an idiot for not enjoying those carefree years more...I was such an IDIOT! I thought that I had to be a good student and all that and STUDY, no fun, nothing... Did I never thing of the future? Yes. I thought of what school I was going to enter in Form 6. I thought of what DEGREE I would get. At my age. How silly. I should have left all that thinking and planning to... to NOW. How foolish I was to think of so many silly things last time that I never took the time off to actually enjoy. I now know that then was nothing to now. Never have I been so busy and so stressed over EXAMS and SCHOOL. To me, it used to be quite fun. Studying used to be a breeze. For some reason, my ability to understand, digest and memorize facts seemed to be more well developed then that of many of the other students. Now I regret not having learned to study like mad. I never had the need to. Till this year. I guess I'll have to double my efforts and work twice as hard then everyone else.  All because I did not learn how to study hard. For some reason, my abilities to understand seem to have been stunted by Physics and Add Math. What is it about these subjects that I have to study so hard to UNDERSTAND? WHAT? Am I STUPID? I actually studied 4 weeks for nothing but these two subjects and Chemistry and all I could score was a B for Add Math and an A- for Physics.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Exams are OVER~

or so, it seems... I do not believe exams will end even temporarily until next year come December. I'll be d*mn if I start slacking now... One week is all I give myself... darn. I'm being too hard on myself... 2 weeks mebbe? xD Hey, I'm young, after all. Who wants to stick around rotting with their nose stuck in books day and night for like, 600 over days? Well, here's some cause for jubilation~

I previously had failed my Add. Math. paper... this term, when it counts, I PASSED :3 erm... the passing mark isn't so nice, so I am not going to announce it to the whole world, but I can tell you that I got more then 50% for the paper~ C'mon, it's a big improvement from FAIL, eh? :D Now I think that all I have to worry about is Physics. I hope to goodness I pass.

It's funny that I used to pray that I would not get a B and feel like I flunked the whole paper. Now I am praying to goodness and wishing on the stars that I will get a passing mark :'(

Oh, and I got my first A+ since this grading system started... for what else? MOD MATH xD Lol, I suppose that wasn't funny, but I'm so HAPPY I passed Add. Math!

This calls for celebration~ let me share some pics that I caught browsing
This is one of my favorites :3 Anti-smoking~

Why I study. 

Kuku~ life is full of interesting things this year, as in every year~

Monday, May 16, 2011

New Falling Star?

I dunno, but over the years I have read of many Hollywood scandals, and read with well... detached disgust and actually, unsympathetic laughter at the poor, poor Hollywood young and what they turn out to be... take Michael Jackson... but he wasn't really my generation, so I didn't know much about him until his death (RIP)... I found it pretty odd that while my classmates didn't know half a song of his before MJ's death, they were all going round about how he was such an AWESOME dude and how they cried at his funeral... I mean, WHAT??! I know he was one h*ll of an awesome dancer, but hey, you didn't care a thing about his music or his existence until his death ==... anyway, I kinda side tracked there...

So there's Britney Spears as well. She's rising up again and I kinda am team Britney if anyone were to insult her, but she had a most awful time, the pop princess did. Got famous young, married young, divorced young, had children young, bad mother, no-underwear pop princess, shave head princess... all sorts of the most interesting things she did...

And then there's Lindsay Lohan (LiLo) One scandal after another, that one... never learns from her mistakes? Steals magazines, dresses, necklaces... And then Miley Cyrus. From innocent little gal in Hannah Montana to erm... scantily-dressed-weird-I-wish-I-could-be-like-Megan-Fox gal? Geeeeezzzzzz

I fear another one of them wonderful gossips coming our way... and this time, we may have a guy :) Justin Bieber has been showing signs of cracking up lately, don't you think? Pointing middle fingers at the papparazi is one great way to show that. Anyway... maybe, just maybe he ain't such a nut case... after all, he is a bit of a prankster, think the time this guy haked into his friend's account and he posted the poor dude's number on his Twitter account... what a nightmare! Imagine having thousands of girls from 3 to 83 calling and messaging you: JB, MARRY ME! or JB, I'LL LOVE YOU FOREVER DUMP SELENA GOMEZ or some such-------

Anyways, whatever, I maintain my stand of being absolutely neutral in the JB-love-hate world----

you gotta admit, though, such a sweet couple <3 Ahhh~ to be young and in love... 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Problem with Calculators...

If you are using the calculator Casio fx-570MS, chances are that if you type in 6÷2(1+2) you will get the answer 1. It's wrong. The answer's 9. You will get it right if you are using Casio fx-50FH or some of the newer versions. Not to worry if you are using the older versions, cause it ain't coming out in the exams. Apparently, however, once you've done the numbers in the bracket, you'll have to follow the sequence first, meaning divide before multiplication. 

Also, if you are a Physics student, be warned to reset all your modes on our calculator before the exam, or when you use 'sin', 'cos' and 'tan' you are likely to get a wrong answer... phew, I only discovered this just before the exam when my friend's calculator kept getting the answers in negative and other people's calculator got the correct answers........