Sunday, November 7, 2010

Saying Goodbye

I have said 'Goodbye' so many times, each time we part, we say a simple 'Goodbye, Farewell, Bye, See you..." That time during graduation from Primary School, I told my friends: "Good bye..." There were no tears... but I felt so sad in my heart. I felt that I had wasted what precious time I had to spend just a little time with them, enjoying our friendship--- I have relatives in all parts of the world--- the few that live in Malaysia are constantly traveling--- every time they visit, we say 'Hi' and then we say 'Bye'. I hardly feel sadness or longing when the time to part comes... I have not enjoyed their friendship for long, just a period of courteous conversation over a course of a few days, over a few meals. Rarely is it that one has to say 'good bye', to a friend you have known for so long- that you can't remember when you actually met- She was a childhood friend, and a good one. We have grown up together, influenced each other, shared laughter, shared tears (I think this is an exaggeration xD)... Never once did it cross my mind, that we would one day have to separate... But one day she said: "... I am shifting..." At first, it didn't register... let me admit, I took our friendship for granted. I thought she had always be there--- with her annoying hyperactivity and all x) It's true, haha~ We didn't meet much after Sunday School stopped, mostly kept in touch through FB, MSN and Pastor Lily's trips xD But now, we are saying 'Bye bye" We'll see each other sometimes, perhaps, during the holidays, and rare trips, but it just won't be the same... Oh, well... there will come a time when we will be able to see each other again, life goes on. That's that. So, this isn't 'goodbye', CAMILIA! It's 'SEE YOU LATER!!!!"  Hoho, you ain't getting away from me so easily... *evil smile* 

I found the pic with Google :) Do you see the cross? It's called Galaxy M51 by us, but what God calls it... that's a mystery~

This post is dedicated to Camilia, my best friend, childhood buddy, and the only one I've ever listened seriously to about God X)

1 comment:

  1. thank you SOO MUCH JASMINE!!! awwhhh... T.T.. Jasmine.. *hugs* T.T... We'll be BEST FRIENDS forever ya? Sometimes it's because of separation that makes the friendship goes stronger =)..

    Jasmine, thank you so much for being such a WONDERFUL FRIEND to me.. Whenever I thought of the trips with Pastor Lily I would never fail to laugh... hahahaha... Thank you JASMINE! You have a special place in my heart and it will never ever be replaced ^^.. SEE YOU SOON JASMINE!!!! WE WILL DEFITNETLY SEE EACH OTHER SOON!! KEEP IN TOUCH!!! take care yaaaa!!!
