Friday, May 20, 2011

Exams are OVER~

or so, it seems... I do not believe exams will end even temporarily until next year come December. I'll be d*mn if I start slacking now... One week is all I give myself... darn. I'm being too hard on myself... 2 weeks mebbe? xD Hey, I'm young, after all. Who wants to stick around rotting with their nose stuck in books day and night for like, 600 over days? Well, here's some cause for jubilation~

I previously had failed my Add. Math. paper... this term, when it counts, I PASSED :3 erm... the passing mark isn't so nice, so I am not going to announce it to the whole world, but I can tell you that I got more then 50% for the paper~ C'mon, it's a big improvement from FAIL, eh? :D Now I think that all I have to worry about is Physics. I hope to goodness I pass.

It's funny that I used to pray that I would not get a B and feel like I flunked the whole paper. Now I am praying to goodness and wishing on the stars that I will get a passing mark :'(

Oh, and I got my first A+ since this grading system started... for what else? MOD MATH xD Lol, I suppose that wasn't funny, but I'm so HAPPY I passed Add. Math!

This calls for celebration~ let me share some pics that I caught browsing
This is one of my favorites :3 Anti-smoking~

Why I study. 

Kuku~ life is full of interesting things this year, as in every year~

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