Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tis a Casual Post

Meaning that the beginning of this post holds nothing of importance. It is simply a random rant. I shall type and type until I find something to type about... a lot of people find this habit of mine weird~ but let me assure you it is very useful when you want to write an essay. It's a pity I can't do the same when I talk. I find it very difficult to hold a conversation with my mouth. Now, if I were to hold a written conversation, it would be the other person that runs out of something to say first, not me! For some reason, the part of my brain connected to my hands works far faster than the part connected to my mouth... that is, if they are different parts at all... LOL. Who knows the mysteries of the human brain? It is interesting that humans are trying to understand their surroundings, but don't even understand themselves! Yeah, I know the saying is clichéd, but it certainly holds a lot of truth. It's just like humans wanting to explore outer space when they haven't even explored the depths of the Earth, their own home! Hmmm.. I am talking as if I'm not a human.

Okay, here's a thing to write about. On the 18th April 2011, we said our goodbyes to our PK HEM, Mr Wong Kum Ming, now the PK 1 at SMJK Confucian... I suppose I never really knew him very well because he taught our Add. Math class for only four months before leaving. But during that tie, I really grew to like him. He thought us pretty well, I think, although I'm sorry, but I never understood anything until I reviewed the notes he made us copy again. His classes were always interesting because he always told jokes... or he did lame stuff - I'm sorry again- but his actions were... wait for it... endearing. I particularly remember the time he did the trick with Alicia's water. He certainly fooled me. I really thought he had drunk her water. Turned out that he had licked his other finger == and there was the time when he wanted to replace the tissue box that we kept our duster in, and it kept falling, so he was like:" MALIMALIHOME!" and we all burst out laughing. I envy the students who are gonna be thought by him in Confucian.

To Confucian students: YOU DUNNNO HOW GOOD YOU ALL'VE GOT IT!!!

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